Think of your professional network as a constellation of stars, each representing a unique connection. Some stars shine brightly, representing strong relationships, while others may be dimmer, indicating areas for growth. This activity will help you map your existing constellation, identify opportunities to strengthen those bonds, and discover new stars to add to your network.
Grab a large sheet of paper, a whiteboard, your favorite brainstorming app, or drawing software.
In the center of your canvas, write your name or draw a symbol representing yourself—the sun at the heart of your constellation.
Draw several concentric circles around your name/symbol at the center of your map. Label each circle with a number from 1 to 5, with 5 being the innermost circle (closest to you) and 1 being the outermost circle. These circles represent the strength of your connection with each person.
Brainstorm everyone you know at Bayer. Place them in the appropriate circle based on the strength of your relationship, with 5 being the strongest and 1 the weakest.
Choose a few connections you'd like to strengthen.
Identify areas where your network is sparse. These represent potential new stars to add to your constellation. Set a goal or aspiration for what you’d like to accomplish, such as getting to know 10 people from a department you rarely connect with.
By mapping your constellation of connections, you'll gain a clearer understanding of your network's strengths and areas for growth. This awareness will empower you to make intentional choices and take proactive steps toward building a supportive and fulfilling professional community.
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