Feeling trapped by your to-do list? Don't panic! The secret to making it out of this escape room in record time is identifying and prioritizing the outcomes that will align with your vision—and deprioritizing the things that are just getting in your way.
1. Identify Outcomes and Tasks (15 minutes)
Gather the clues by writing down all of your current tasks, projects, and activities.
List the key outcomes or goals you are aiming to achieve, making sure they are aligned with your mission and deliver impactful results.
2. Create Your Prioritization Matrix (10 minutes)
It’s time to build your escape plan! On a large sheet of paper or whiteboard, create a 2x2 matrix.
Label the X-axis Impact(High to Low)
Label the Y-axis Alignment with Vision (High to Low)
3. Plot Outcomes and Tasks (10 minutes)
Categorize your clues by assessing each task or project and placing it in the appropriate quadrant on your matrix.
High Impact & High Alignment: These are your top priorities.
High Impact & Low Alignment: These are important, but you may need to adjust them to better align with your vision.
Low Impact & High Alignment: These are lower priority items that should be done if time allows.
Low Impact & Low Alignment: These should be deprioritized or eliminated.
4. Develop an Action Plan (20 minutes)
Ready to unlock the door of this escape room? Start by focusing on priorities. Create a list of actions for tasks in the High Impact & High Alignment quadrant. Outline what needs to be done to achieve these outcomes.
Next, it’s time to reevaluate: For tasks in the High Impact & Low Alignment quadrant, assess how they can be adjusted to better align with your mission.
Time to deprioritize! Identify tasks in the Low Impact & Low Alignment quadrant that can be delegated, deferred, or eliminated.
5. Review and Communicate (20 minutes)
Make sure your priorities are aligned with your vision and objectives. Fine-tune your approach as needed.
You aren’t in this escape room alone! Share your priorities and action plans with relevant colleagues or stakeholders to ensure alignment and gather feedback.
6. Implement and Monitor (10 minutes)
Begin implementing your prioritized actions, focusing on high-impact, vision-aligned outcomes.
Set up a system for monitoring your progress and regularly reviewing your priorities to ensure ongoing alignment with your vision.
Spending time prioritizing your to-do list and crafting a well-defined plan will have you well positioned to achieve your vision and emerge victorious from this escape room!