As you complete each activation, check them off below

Identify your vision and aspiration

Set your outcomes and intention
Showing Up As My Best Self

Live consciously and joyfully

Recognize your reality

Accept your reality

Embrace a creative mindset

Practice mindful decision making
Build My Network

Understand yourself and others

Developing existing and new relationships

Open up to new professional opportunities

Cultivate a trust-based, inclusive team environment
Enhance the Value I Contribute

Understand stakeholder needs and your distinctive skills, experience, and passion

Take steps to leverage your passion and expertise to deliver more value to your stakeholders

Giving back for growth
Deepen My Expertise

Ideate and prioritize

Explore your options

Continually learn and evolve

Prioritize the few tasks that deliver the most value

Assess where you are

Apply knowledge through action

Build a strong, energizing, and sustainable career